Selasa, 20 April 2010


CoRT 1: Breath - broadens perception by demonstrating a number of different directions thinking can follow.

Type of Lesson Comments
1 PMI Plus, Minus, Interesting
Designed to ensure that decision or commitment takes place after both sides of the matter have been considered and not before. The I of PMI can be used as a tool in subsequent lessons:
2 CAF Consider all options
This operation is essentially related to action, decision, planning, judgment and coming to a conclusion.
3 RULES Provides an opportunity for practicing the two previous lessons: PMI and CAF
An existing or proposed rule is an opportunity for practicing PMI. The factors involved in making a rule provide practice in CAF
4 C & S Consequence and Sequel
Crystallisation of the process of looking ahead to see the consequences of some action plan decision rule invention etc, Attention is focused directly on the future. Immediate, short medium and long-term consequences are examined by different groups.
5 AGO Aims Goals Objectives
This lesson provides a focus on the intentions behind actions on the idea of purpose. In some situations, it is more appropriate to use aims rather than goals of objectives. The key here is to focus on purpose rather than reaction.
6 PLANNING The idea is to use planning as a thinking situation which brings together
Objectives (AGO), consequences (C&S), the factors involved (CAF) and the treatment of ideas (PMI)
7 FIP First Important Priorities

FIP is a judgement situation which requires no absolute answers. It is person, and/or situation specific. It is a crystallisation of the process of picking out the most important ideas, factors, objectives, concequences, etc. per the requirements of the specific situation.

8 APC Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices
APC is an attempt to focus on exploring all the alternatives, choices, of possibilities - beyond the obvious ones

9 DECISIONS This lesson provides an opportunity to bring together the last two lessons in particular, FIP and APC: and also the other lessons in a more general way

In making decisions your have to:

Consider all the factors

Be clear about aims/objectives

Assess prioriries

Look at consequences

Discover alternative courses of action

You ccan also do a PMI on the decision once made

10 OPV Other People's View
This considers the process of looking at other peoples viewpoints so that the process can be used consciously and deliberately to escape from one's own point of view.

Full details of how to run each type of lesson are given in the Teacher's Notes.

Comments are given on using the CoRT Thinking Lessons with groups of different ages and abilities e.g Primary, Secondary and Remedial Groups. Suggestions are also given on generation and using test materials

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